Rocks, Water and Trees, Olympic NP

Rocks, Water and Trees, Olympic NP


Size: 7.5” x 7.5” on 8.5” x 11”

Signed & stamped in verso

What draws you to a particular work of art, what makes you pause and think to yourself, yes, that’s it, I’m not exactly sure why, but that’s it. Because it will happen, something will inevitably move you, be it a painting, or a piece of music, or a passage in a book. Something creative someone else has done will interact with your life, a moment in your past, a connection to some distant memory. It’s that convergence that will spark an appreciation beyond mere aesthetic enjoyment.

So a question arrises within the artist. Is art for your audience or for you. The easy answer is it’s for both. Because if it’s only for you, why show anyone, why not just stay isolated in your studio with your ideals. But if it’s just for an audience that dilutes vision.

Aren’t the best works of art simply the artist being honest with themselves, with their work. I have no idea, but I like to think that authenticity comes through. But speaking as an artist, that’s not always true. Sometimes you see something you know will spark interest and that informs the decision to shoot it. Is that disingenuous.

This image is functionally this very question.

Location: Olympic Peninsula, North Coast, WA

Technical Info: Hasselblad, Kodak T-Max 100 BW film, Zeiss 50mm, Red #25, N-1 developed in Kodak X-tol 1:1.

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