In Dialog
In Dialog
Size: 7.5” x 7.5” on 8.5” x 11”
Signed & stamped in verso
The moment your eye is brought to a cameras viewfinder you’ve created a canvas and the world outside that viewfinder ceases to exist. You’ve reduced your perspective to a small window that only you can see, and it’s all yours.
Because what physically exists in that frame is beyond control, isolating the subject becomes a matter of lens choice, camera position and exposure. The preexisting nature if it precludes isolation through physically removing something from your canvas the way a painter or a sculptor can. It’s a conversation between you and the landscape.
It’s a conversation because landscape art is not an autocratic art form, it does not exist solely in the artists brain, it requires discovery before its creation.
Location: Olympic Peninsula, North Coast, WA
Technical Info: Hasselblad, Kodak T-Max 100 BW film, Zeiss 80mm, developed in Kodak X-tol 1:1