Heceta Head, OR

Heceta Head, OR


Size: 7.5” x 7.5” on 8.5” x 11” JonCone Studio Type 5 Paper

Signed & stamped in verso

This is my Pops favorite image I ever took. He thought it represented a turning point in my seeing, a reflection of past nature artists whose dedication to forms of nature is evident in a single brushstroke or simple line of poetry. He was with me this foggy morning, on a stretch of Oregon coastline, we were out wandering the landscape and on a short hike up to Heceta Head Lighthouse. I stopped, composed and shot. The profound moments of life are not always profound in the immediate but are revealed later, in reflection, in conversation.

Location: Heceta Head, Oregon Coast

Technical Info: Hasselblad, Kodak T-Max 100 BW film, Zeiss 50mm, N+1 developed in Kodak X-tol 1:1.

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