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 Scott Mansfield Photographic Arts


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This is my newsletter and journal with essays on art and slowing down, on landscape photography and wilderness travel. The intention is to give you pause, spark your imagination and reflect on seeing life in all its beautiful complexity.

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Here life is wild
and quiet
and beautiful

Roaming amongst glacial remains
with a little food
a blanket for warmth

Mountain time is slow time
performed in rhythms
scarcely heard

Our species is too young
and too loud
to carry on a conversation

I need to be one of the old ones
a twisted juniper would do
or perhaps a sequoia

But that’s asking a lot
for what can I offer in return
for such an honor

Our ways are not of their deep time
we flit too much in the human present
so I stand still to scent the earthly sienna

A distant symphony of wind in pine
waterfall chords rise and fall
a grayed nutcracker sways an interpretive dance

Eventually I go on walking
to wander this mountain place
away from the world of man

Here life is old
and quiet
and beautiful
— Scott Mansfield